Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance can pay you money for covered accidental injuries and their treatment.
Accident Insurance pays a set benefit amount based on the type of injury you have and the type of treatment you need. It covers accidents that occur off the job and it includes a range of incidents, from common injuries to more serious events.
Why is this coverage so valuable?
It can help you with out-of-pocket costs that your medical plan doesn’t cover, like co-pays and deductibles. You’ll have base coverage without medical underwriting. The cost is conveniently deducted from your paycheck. You can keep your coverage if you change jobs or retire. You’ll be billed directly.
Who can get coverage?
You: All full-time employees.
Your spouse: Can get coverage as long as you have purchased coverage for yourself.
Your children: Dependent children from birth until their 26th birthday, regardless of marital or student status.
Submit a Claim
Elections and coverage on the Voluntary Benefits are effective the 1st of the month following the date of election. If the date of hire or eligibility falls on the first of the month, there is no waiting period.
Unum Accident Insurance video, flier, and plan description
Submitting a Unum Claim