Hospital Indemnity

Hospital Indemnity Insurance supplements your existing health insurance coverage by helping pay expenses for hospital stays. Depending on the plan, hospital indemnity insurance gives you cash payments to help you pay for the added expenses that may come while you recover.
Hospital Insurance helps covered employees and their families cope with the financial impacts of a hospitalization. You can receive benefits when you’re admitted to the hospital for a covered accident, illness or childbirth.
Why is this coverage so valuable?
- The money is paid directly to you — not to a hospital or care provider. The money can also help you pay the out-of-pocket expenses your medical plan may not cover, such as co-insurance, co-pays and deductibles.
- You get affordable rates when you buy this coverage at work.
- The cost is conveniently deducted from your paycheck.
- The benefits in this plan are compatible with a Health Savings Account (HSA).
- You may take the coverage with you if you leave the company or retire.
Who can get coverage?
You: All full-time employees.
Your spouse: Can get coverage as long as you have purchased coverage for yourself.
Your children: Dependent children from birth until their 26th birthday, regardless of marital or student status.
Submit a Claim
Elections and coverage on the Voluntary Benefits are effective the 1st of the month following the date of election. If the date of hire or eligibility falls on the first of the month, there is no waiting period.
Unum Hospital Indemnity Insurance video, flier, and plan description
Submitting a Unum Claim