Your Medical Benefits

Carrier Information


Glossary of Health Coverage and Medical Terms

Refer to the health coverage and medical terms glossary to clarify healthcare terminology.

Plan Information

Cigna HMO Limited and HMO Full

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) An HMO is a health insurance plan that provides health services through a network of doctors. If you seek care outside of your assigned medical group or IPA (Independent Practice Associations), you will be responsible for 100% of the bill.

The Bishop’s School offers two HMO plans with Cigna: Limited HMO (for more detailed information review the Summary of Benefits and Coverage English and Español) and Full HMO (for more detailed information review the Summary of Benefits and Coverage English and Español)  Please consult with your Physicians’ office to ascertain which HMO plan may be best suiter for you and your family.

Cigna OAP HDHP with HSA

The plan provides benefits both in- and out-of-network. The plan does not require a referral to see a specialist who participates in the network. The Health Savings Account (HSA) is available to all enrolled in the HDHP medical plan and is used to accumulate money by you on a federal pre-tax basis and California post-tax basis to cover medical and other qualified expenses. The account belongs to you, even if you change employers. Since there is no use-it-or-lose-it rule, the unused funds roll over at the end of each benefit year. The money deposited can be invested once it reaches a certain designated balance and grows tax-free. You choose how you want the funds to be allocated among the available funds. Funds are available as they are deposited in the account via payroll.

The Bishop’s School offers the Cigna OAP HDHP plan (for more detailed information review the Summary of Benefits and Coverage: English and Español). The School also contributes to the individual’s Health Savings Account (HSA) as follows:

$1,000.00 for individual enrollment/year
$2,000.00 for employee + dependent(s) enrollment/year


The plan provides benefits both in- and out-of-network. The plan does not require a referral to see a specialist who participates in the Cigna network. Deductibles in and out-of-network apply respectively.

The Bishop’s School offers the Cigna OAP PPO plan (for more detailed information please review the Summary of Benefits and Coverage English and Español) for its employees as a buy-up plan.

Pharmacy Rx

The Cigna 90 Now program makes it easier for you to fill your maintenance medications. These are the medications you take on a regular basis to treat an ongoing health condition like asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure ot high cholesterol


All regular full-time school employees working 30 hours or more are eligible for benefits on the first day of their employment or qualifying event.

2024 Employee Cost per Pay

2024 Employee Cost per Pay

Class A < $55,001 per year Base Salary

Cigna Select HMOCigna Full HMOCigna OAP PPOCigna OAP HDHP
Employee Only$15.00$86.50$200.00$50.00
Employee + Spouse$116.50$266.00$527.00$153.50
Employee + Child(ren)$108.00$246.50$488.50$142.50
Employee + Family$351.50$469.50$974.00$232.50

2024 Employee Cost per Pay

Class B $55,001 – $125,000 per year Base Salary

Cigna Select HMOCigna Full HMOCigna OAP PPOCigna OPA HDHP
Employee Only$19.00$108.00$228.50$75.00
Employee + Spouse$155.00$310.50$644.00$307.00
Employee + Child(ren)$143.50$287.50$597.00$284.00
Employee + Family$363.50$536.50$1,062.50$542.00

2024 Employee Cost per Pay

Class C $125,001+ per year Base Salary

Cigna Select HMOCigna Full HMOCigna OAP PPOCigna OAP HDHP
Employee Only$38.00$130.00$257.00$99.50
Employee + Spouse$194.00$355.00$702.50$358.50
Employee + Child(ren)$179.50$329.00$651.00$332.00
Employee + Family$375.00$603.50$1,151.00$619.50

2025 Employee Cost per Pay

Your Additional Resources


All regular full-time school employees working 30 hours or more are eligible for benefits on the first day of their employment or qualifying event.

Cigna Starter Kit: How to….?

Mental Health & More

Cigna behavioral health department can be reached at 866-494-2111 or 800-554-6931. Behavioral health department can assist with finding a therapist accepting new patients and making the first appointment.

Transition & Continuity of Care

International Travel Assistance

  • International Travel
  • See for more information and assistance under Ancillary Benefits and Travel Assistance tab

Active & Fit Program

Health Savings Account (HSA)

Carrier Information

Wex HSA Services


Only employees enrolled in the HDHP medical plan are eligible to participate in the HSA benefits.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

The Health Savings Account (HSA) is available to all enrolled in the HDHP medical plan and is used to accumulate money on a federal pre-tax basis and California post tax-basis to cover medical and other qualified expenses.

The account belongs to you, even if you change employers. Since there is no use-it-or-lose-it rule, the unused funds roll over at the end of each benefit year and from employer to employer. The money deposited can be invested once it reaches a balance of $2,000 (confirm) and grows tax-free. You choose how you want the funds to be allocated among the available funds. Funds are available as they are deposited in the account.

The school contributes $1,000.00 (Employee only Coverage) and $2,000.00 (Employee + Dependents Coverage) to each account over 24 pay periods throughout the benefit year.

You can contribute the maximum amount as determined annually by the IRS. Maximums include employer contributions.

Individuals age 55 or older can contribute an additional $1,000 on a pre-tax basis per year to their Health Savings Account (HSA).

Helpful Resources

If you need more information on HSAs, these HSA FAQs and this webinar (long) or  video (short) are helpful resources.

Benefits 101

Your Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

Carrier Information



All regular full-time school employees working 30 hours or more are eligible for benefits on the first day of their employment or qualifying event.

Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) provides you with the opportunity to pay out-of-pocket medical, dental, vision, and dependent care expenses with pre-tax dollars. When you participate in an FSA, (depending on your tax bracket), you can save approximately 25% of each dollar spent on these expenses. The Bishop’s School offers a Health Care FSA and a Dependent Care FSA, administered by Wex. Your FSA plan year is March 1 through February 28.

Please note: If you are enrolled on the HDHP and contributing to the Health Saving Account or accepting the Bishop’s HSA contribution, you cannot participate in the Health Care FSA plan and cannot have any roll over funds into the plan year beginning March 1, 2025. During this plan year, you may set aside up to $3,300.00 pre-taxed dollars into a Health Care FSA Plan. This money can be used to pay for qualified medical, vision and dental expenses. For a full list of qualifying expenses, refer to IRS Publication 502 at or contact Wex at 866-451-3399.

Dependent Care FSA

If you are single or married and file a joint tax return annually you can set aside up to $5,000 pre-taxed dollars during this plan year. If you are married but file a separate tax return, the maximum you can annually set aside is $2,500 pre-taxed dollars. This account is used for qualified daycare expenses for the care of a dependent. A dependent is defined as a person who is under 13 years of age who you claim as a dependent on your tax return or a person who is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself or herself, regardless of age, who you claim as an exemption on your tax return. Refer to IRS Publication 503 for specific regulations.

Helpful Resources

2025 FSA Rollover

It is important to budget appropriately and use all of your funds within the plan year (March 1 –February 28). If you do not use all of your Health Care FSA money in the course of the plan year, you will lose all monies in excess of $660 for the 2025 – 2026 plan year. Any Health Care funds over this amount will be fortified. Any unused funds in the Dependent Care FSA will not rollover into the next plan year.

FSA elections do not automatically continue from year to year; you must enroll or re-enroll during your annual open enrollment each year. Once you have made your Annual Elections, further changes to your Health Care FSA plan cannot be made unless you experience a Qualified Life Event.

You may update your Dependent Care contributions at any time you experience a change in need or facility access throughout the year.

Contact Wex at 866-451-3399 or visit for more information on eligible expenses, set up your online account, submit claims and check on your reimbursement status.

Account TypeExamples of Eligible ExpensesAnnual Contribution LimitsAccess to FundsPre-Tax Benefit
Health Care FSAMedical plan deductibles, copays, and prescriptions. Vision exam copays, glasses, contacts, laser eye surgery and dental services. There is no minimum contribution per year. Maximum contribution is $3300 per year per employee. Allows immediate
access to the entire contribution amount
from the 1st day
of the benefit year,
before all scheduled
contributions have
been made.
Save 20–40% on your health care expenses. Save on purchases not covered by
insurance. Reduce your taxable income.
Dependent Care FSADaycare Day camp Eldercare before and after school programs. There is no minimum contribution per year. Maximum contribution is $5000 per year per employee. You will be able to
submit claims up to you year-to-date
amount in your account. You will
only be reimbursed
based on your
contribution amounts.
Save 20–40% on
your dependent
care expenses.
Reduce your
taxable income.

Benefits 101

Your Dental Benefits

Carrier Information


Plan Information

The school offers Dental benefits through Cigna with two options: a DHMO  (in-network only) plan (for more detailed information review the Summary of Benefits and Coverage English and Español ) and a DPPO (In/Out-of-Network) plan (for more detailed information review the Summary of Benefits and Coverage English and Español ). Dental plan election is made annually and employees may not switch between DMO and PPO plans without a qualifying event.


All regular full-time school employees working 30 hours or more are eligible for benefits on the first day of their employment or qualifying event.


2025 Employee Cost per Paycheck for All Employees

Cigna DHMOCigna DPPO
Employee Only$2.50$10.00
Employee + Spouse$7.50$24.00
Employee + Child(ren)$9.00$30.00
Employee + Family$12.50$50.00

Your Vision Benefits

Carrier Information


Plan Information

The Bishop’s School offers a comprehensive Vision Plan through Unum. For more detailed information review the Benefit Summary: English and Español.

Login to Unum to create your member account, review claim status and see available special offers for vision care and services. Unum may also be reached via phone 855-652-8686.


All regular full-time school employees working 30 hours or more are eligible for benefits on the first day of their employment or qualifying event.


2024 Employee Cost per Paycheck for All Employees

Employee Only$1.50
Employee + Spouse$3.00
Employee + Child(ren)$2.50
Employee + Family$5.50

Section 125 and Benefit Election Changes

Section 125 and Benefit Election Changes

Under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code, you are allowed to pay certain group insurance premiums with tax-free (pre-tax) dollars. This means your premium deductions are taken before federal income and Social Security wages are calculated.

The Bishop’s School plan year (benefit year) is March 1 through February 28 of the succeeding year. You must make your benefit elections carefully, including the choice to waive coverage. Your pre-tax elections will remain in effect until the next annual open enrollment period unless you experience an IRS-approved qualifying change in status (life event).

Qualifying change in status events include, but are not limited to:

  • Marriage, divorce, or legal separation
  • Death of spouse or other dependent
  • Birth or adoption of a child
  • A spouse’s employment begins or ends
  • A dependent’s eligibility status changes due to age, student status, marital status, or employment
  • You or your spouse experience a change in work hours that affect benefit eligibility
  • Relocation into or outside of your plan’s service area

The Bishop’s School Eligibility

All regular full-time school employees working 30 hours or more are eligible for benefits on the first day of their employment or qualifying event.

Waiting period: no waiting period for benefits eligible upon hire or work event.